the embrace

An immersive 8-week program for the woman ready to transcend self-doubt & limiting patterns, know & embrace all parts of herself & have unwavering confidence in every move she makes.

The Embrace is for women who have watched others take bold steps while long-standing habits and beliefs hold them back from pursuing their desires. It’s for women overwhelmed by endless tasks, feeling disconnected from the joy and presence they know is possible.

It’s for women who always feel like they’re trying to get somewhere, and never feel like they’ve arrived. It’s for women who know the habits they want to move beyond, and feel sick of trying to white knuckle grip their way through changes with discipline or will-power. It’s for those who are ready to embrace change to her typical thinking and emotional states in a soft and supported way, by going within and transforming patterns like self-doubt and high-stress from the roots. 

Combining timeless wisdom with the latest insights from neuroscience, psychology, and somatics, the program provides a practical roadmap and supportive guidance in a nurturing community of women. It equips you with the confidence and clarity needed to overcome barriers and move softly and decisively towards a life of purpose and fulfillment.

The Embrace isn’t just about transcending self-doubt; it’s about taking hold of the life that has always felt just out of reach. By the end of this journey, you will have developed the self-knowledge and courage to step outside your comfort zone and claim your desires with unwavering confidence.

  • Feel frazzled, chaotic, and constantly on edge. You wake up feeling scattered about the day ahead.

  • Hold back from taking risks like starting the business you’ve dreamed of creating.

  • Avoid new experiences like asking for a promotion or pay rise because you’ve never done it before.

  • Doubt your value and capabilities. You don’t put yourself forward for the new role or project at work because you don’t think you meet all of the required skills or experience.

  • Second-guess or overthink every decision from where to go on holiday to whether to share something with a friend or colleague.

  • Ruminate over what others think of you and spend lots of time imagining conversations with others or conversations about you.

  • Sabotage yourself by undermining your efforts, over-preparing or avoiding action.


You’re feeling trapped in a cycle repeating patterns, self-doubt or missed opportunities, constantly busy but never feeling truly accomplished. Your life often feels chaotic, and yet the quiet knowing that something more is meant for you never fades.


Imagine feeling energised, decisive, and confident in every step you take. This program will set you up to move beyond self-doubt, cultivate deep trust in your capacity to rise to every occasion, and infuse your life with joy and adventure — from your daily routines to your biggest dreams. Gain the clarity and courage to welcome new experiences with courage and an open heart, turning once-distant aspirations into realities and creating a richer, more purposeful life.

  • Embrace all parts of yourself with love and compassion - you look in the mirror and feel incredibly proud of the woman you are.

  • Feel relaxed and comfortable in your body, even in uncertain or new situations. If your heart rate rises or your breath becomes shallow, you notice & ease yourself back to feeling more grounded.

  • Experience space around your emotions and reactions; big emotions still come up but you feel a spaciousness around them and have time to decide how to act if triggered.

  • Move confidently through self-doubt and take action, if moments of doubt are experienced they no longer paralyse you.

  • Have unwavering conviction in your intuition and decisions & feel unafraid of sharing your voice and opinions. You no longer hide your true feelings or desires for fear of others’ judgement.

  • Align your actions with your deepest aspirations. Even when doing something new feels hard or sticky, you know how to lead yourself through the stickiness.

  • Infuse a sense of joy and adventure into daily routines.

  • Return to equilibrium after a challenge with ease.

  • Nourish yourself well without feeling like you have to earn it.

  • Belong to an accepting community of women doing the inner work.

“The point of life is not to make the ocean of reality totally placid, still, and ever pleasant, that is not possible. Instead, the goal is to develop the inner resilience you need to not get knocked down by the inevitable waves.”

— Yung Pueblo

Introducing, The Embrace

An immersive 8-week journey designed for women ready to move beyond self-doubt and fully embrace the ease and contentment they desire to feel. This program combines practical strategies with deep self-discovery to help you move from hesitation to confident action and create a life that feels like it’s really yours.

The Embrace is unique in its approach, merging ancient wisdom with modern science to embrace both the external actions and internal barriers that cause you to feel flat, drained, numb or stuck. Through personalised practices, supportive guidance, and a nurturing community, you’ll develop the confidence, clarity, and awareness needed to get off the emotional rollercoaster, feel at ease within yourself and trusting of your next step, moment by moment.

Program Pillars

  • Personalised Self-Discovery

    This program isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a deeply personal journey designed to connect you with your true self, not an idealised version of who you should be. The tools and practices provided help you uncover your unique qualities and strengths and move beyond tender spots, patterns and unresolved emotions gently.

  • Embodied Transformation

    Every practice—journaling, meditation, breathwork, embodied movement —helps you connect deeply with yourself and the parts of you that communicate through symptoms like over-thinking, procrastination and rumination on others’ judgements and opinions. This is about more than just “doing the work”—it’s tending to your unmet needs and creating real, lasting change.

  • Spaciousness

    We focus on creating a nourishing environment for growth—one that’s not just about achieving goals, but about finding joy, peace, and fulfilment in everyday life. By blending ancient wisdom with modern science, we guide you toward a more balanced and fulfilled life.

  • Community

    You'll be part of a supportive community of women that honours your individuality, providing a safe space to share, connect, and grow with others on a similar journey. 

    These core pillars ensure that your journey through The Embrace is uniquely yours, filled with opportunities for deep self-discovery and genuine connection.

Caroline has immersed herself in both Western and Eastern modalities.

With a background in Psychology and Sociology, she holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy and has undergone extensive training in Vedic Meditation and Yoga. 

A lifelong learner, she is dedicated to deepening her awareness of what drives our patterns, the way we think and feel, and how to experience life as our most vibrant and alive selves. She loves to deepen her knowledge of ancient wisdom traditions and psychosomatic healing modalities. With this blend of knowledge and experience, Caroline is honoured to support women on their journey to find greater joy, purpose, and connection with themselves and every aspect of life.

my story

Everything I teach is born from my own experiences. Formal education and study are one thing, but embodied knowledge is another. 

From a young age, I was captivated by the pursuit of happiness. As I tried to understand and cultivate joy, I was on track to become a qualified psychotherapist. However, my ongoing struggle with anxiety and depression made me question if conventional therapy was the right path.

In 2012, I paused my studies and immersed myself in London life. It wasn’t until 2017, when I discovered meditation and other healing practices, that I began to truly heal from the inside out. By 2020, as a Vedic meditation teacher mentoring women and leading retreats, I realised meditation is more than just experiencing stillness and peace —it’s a gateway to the deeper work of healing unresolved emotions, unmet developmental needs, nervous system patterns, and limiting beliefs.

Now, I mix ancient wisdom with modern techniques to help women reconnect deeply with their true self and awaken a truly nourished experience of life. My journey has inspired me to create The Embrace—a space for women to move beyond self-doubt and claim a life that feels nourishing and fulfilling. 

I’ve been where you are: feeling stuck on the brink of something great, held back by old patterns. I’m here to help you enliven your innate wisdom, embrace every part of yourself, and live a purposeful life.

  • "Your dreams are valid. Your fears are not a barrier but a call to rise."

  • “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up.”

    Terrance McKenna


  • Wisdom Sessions - each week we have a 60-90 min session that will enliven a deep understanding of everything that makes you, you - from your nervous system to your desires to your inner voice. 

  • WhatsApp community & mentoring - text and voice-note support Tues to Thurs for the duration of the program.

  • Prompts & practices - a guidebook filled with resources, journaling prompts, somatic exercises, and breathwork practices to support you as you work with deep-rooted beliefs and connect with your true self. The guidebook offers a practical toolkit for ongoing expansion and self-discovery during and after the program.

  • Lifetime access to call recordings.

  • Community - ongoing live monthly connection calls for Program alumni.


  • We begin by reconnecting with your body, identifying what drains your energy, and learning to listen to its signals. Together, we'll explore ways to ground yourself and enhance your body awareness, setting the stage for deeper emotional and mental healing.

    TOOLS: Testing biomarkers. Body literacy and liberation.

  • We’ll explore the societal pressures and internalised beliefs that cause burnout, over-giving, and self-neglect. Uncovering the subconscious patterns holding you back, we’ll work together to rewrite your story with empowering, life-affirming beliefs.

    TOOLS: Journaling + Thought Inquiry

  • We’ll dive into understanding your nervous system’s survival patterns (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) and how they shape current day experiences like being snappy, rushing, over-thinking, self criticism, feeling numb or overwhelmed. You'll learn to work with the roots of nervous system patterns, key to softening old habits. Expand your capacity to be unfazed by life’s pressures, others’ opinions and demands.

    TOOLS: Meditation, breathwork, movement

  • We explore how suppressed emotions impact the body and mind, learning to turn towards and not against emotions and honour their wisdom. Together, we’ll let go of emotional baggage and create space for greater creativity. 

    Learn how to allow emotions to cycle through with ease, without the big emotional highs and lows that make you feel numb or out of control.

    TOOLS: emotional processing

  • We’ll uncover how self-judgment, criticism and rejection keep you trapped in negative cycles. You'll learn to recognise and nurture the unmet needs of your inner child and release old thought patterns that no longer serve you, fostering self-compassion and total self acceptance.

    TOOLS: Journaling and body awareness exercises.

  • We’ll dive into the importance of setting clear boundaries, the power of honest communication and how to do both in a loving way (even when they feel terrifying). This week is about embracing self-responsibility and reclaiming your personal power, learning to say no without guilt and yes to what excites and nourishes you.

    TOOLS: Boundary-setting techniques and communication exercises.

  • We’ll go beyond labels and identities to uncover more of your true essence, connecting with your innate worthiness, nature and divinity. This week is about aligning your life with natural rhythms and discovering your deeper purpose, fully embracing the brilliant, multi-faceted woman within. 

    TOOLS: Intuitive practices and purpose-alignment exercises.

  • The final week brings everything together, allowing for reflection, integration, and setting intentions for continued expansion of awareness, purpose and joy beyond the program.


Lisa, previous retreat participant

“Thank you for changing my life for the better, Caroline. The gift you've given me through Vedic meditation and knowledge has had an incredibly profound impact on me in such a short time. Forever grateful.”

Alyssa, previous retreat participant

“This retreat honestly changed my whole life. From day 1, I was overcome with a sense of peace and comfort. I learnt so much about myself, my mind, body and soul and now have resources and tools to help me through life’s daily challenges.”

Kate, meditation student & previous retreat participant

“I have just completed my Vedic meditation course and a beautiful weekend retreat with Caroline. I feel amazing. Caroline has such a beautiful caring nature and a gentle wisdom.I have no doubt my life will be better for going down this path with Caroline.”

Rosie, previous retreat participant

“The Still retreat with Caroline was a truly special experience. I left feeling a radical change, the first time I haven’t felt myself in fight or flight for a very long time. Just knowing my body is capable of that is life changing.”

Hayley, meditation student

“Learning with Caroline has helped me to find spaciousness when and where I need it. Caroline has also cultivated a really strong community, something I think the world needs more of, and which is like a comfort blanket to be a part of.”

Read more reviews left by Caroline’s meditation students and retreat guests here.

Enrolment Dates


⟶ The founding member round of the program commences on Tuesday 17th September 2024 and will be capped at 10 women.
⟶ Calls will be held live on Tuesday evenings at 7pm AEST
⟶ Enrollments for the founding member round of the program close on Monday 16th September 2024 at 10pm AEST.


Following our 8 weeks together, founding members will be invited to monthly community calls - an opportunity to continue to build upon the connection and refine the wisdom and practices learned during The Embrace program.

how it works

To become a founding member of The Embrace Program, simply email Caroline and confirm which payment option you’d like to make use of (options below). You’ll be sent an invoice with a secure link to make payment and a registration form to complete. 

the investment

Option1: $999 - pay in full, or
Option 2: 2x $550 - 4 weeks apart, or
Option 3: 3x $400 - 4 weeks apart. 

(Subsequent rounds of The Embrace Program will be priced upwards of $2,200 AUD. Founding Member pricing will not be offered again following the first round of the program, commencing on Tuesday 17th September 2024).

If you have questions about The Embrace or whether it’s right for you, you are so welcome to get in touch via email I can’t wait to walk alongside you as you bring your dreams to life.

 frequently asked questions

  • Yes, this program complements therapy by focusing on actionable knowledge alongside the power of healing and expanding in a community of women.

  • If The Embrace is speaking to you, trust yourself and take the leap. Continual delay and procrastination are signs of nervous system dysregulation and/or lack of self trust. The only way through is to start before you feel “ready”.

  • Check with your employer for professional development funds or consider the available payment plans.

  • No refunds are offered. Fully commit to the experience for the most profound outcome.