/ thinking of learning vedic meditation?

Here’s how it works

Book a free
Intro Talk

free intro talk

What’s Involved?

  • A free no obligation 45 minute intro talk (optional)

  • Held in person in Freshwater, Sydney or online via Zoom

  • Learn about the Vedic meditation technique, where it came from, how it works, and the benefits you can expect from twice-daily practice.

  • Get to know me (Caroline), why I learned to meditate and the changes I have experienced in my life.

What is Vedic Meditation?

The Veda, meaning 'knowledge,' is an ancient body of wisdom that originated in India over 10,000 years ago. It has given us transformative practices such as yoga, Ayurveda, and Vedic meditation.

Vedic meditation is an effortless technique that allows the mind to settle naturally, leading to deep rest and the release of stress and fatigue. Using a personalised mantra, it aligns with the body's natural tendencies, without exertion or controlling thoughts.

Who’s It

Vedic meditation is a practice that absolutely anyone can do. The technique was designed for householders aka busy parents and people just like you with busy lives and busy minds. Vedic meditation is practiced 20 minutes twice a day for maximum results.

By the end of the course you will be completely self-sufficient and confident in your practice - no need to rely on apps or ever do another meditation course! 

What are the benefits?

A daily practice of meditation produces the wonderful benefits of:

✓ Reduced stress, anxiety and fatigue
✓ Better sleep and more energy
✓ Improved mental clarity, focus and memory
✓ Improved creativity, resilience and decision making
✓ Less reactivity to life’s demands and stressors
✓ Activate the healing power of your body
✓ Better relationships with others and yourself

How is it different from other types of meditation?

Other types of meditation generally involve concentration (focusing the mind) or contemplation (thinking about the meaning of something) - both of which engage the mind and keep it active.

Vedic meditation is a completely effortless transcending style of meditation. We use a personalised mantra to de-excite the mind and step beyond thoughts naturally, without using any effort or attempting to control thoughts.

 frequently asked questions

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  • Yes! If you can think, you can meditate with this technique because it utilises the natural tendencies of the mind and body. Vedic meditation is an easy and simple meditation technique and can be practiced by absolutely anyone with proper instruction. 

  • No, there’s no skill involved in practicing Vedic meditation. By the end of your four day course of instruction, you will be a completely self-sufficient Vedic meditator. 

    Following the end of your course, you will have lifelong support with your practice and access to weekly Group Meditations to keep your practice consistent. You will also gain a community of Vedic meditation teachers and meditators around the world.

  • Other types of meditation generally involve concentration (focusing the mind) or contemplation (thinking about the meaning of something) - both of which keep the mind active.

    Vedic meditation is a completely effortless technique that de-excites the mind in a natural way, without using any effort or attempting to control thoughts.

  • No. This is a simple, mental technique which will impact every area of your life in a positive way. You’re not required to take on any new beliefs, change your existing beliefs, change your lifestyle, clothing or appearance. This is a universal technique practiced by people all around the world from different cultures and religions. 

  • Vedic means from the Veda and Veda simply means knowledge. The Veda is the body of knowledge that came from ancient India. It’s not Hinduism, it predates all religions. It’s a 10,000-year-old body of knowledge that gave us yoga, it gave us the practice of Vedic meditation, as well as Ayurveda - which translates to the science of life - a system of holistic medicine. These are all different branches of the Veda. 

  • Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a revered spiritual teacher from the Shankaracharya lineage in India. Caroline’s teacher, Thom Knoles, was trained as a teacher of Transcendental Meditation (“TM”) by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and taught it for over 25 years with organisations affiliated with Maharishi. Since 1997, Thom has continued to teach meditation as he learned it from Maharishi, and has done so independently and separately from the TM organisations. 

    Thom Knoles trained Caroline to teach meditation in the same way that Maharishi trained him to teach meditation. Caroline teaches Vedic meditation and is not affiliated with the TM organisations or their current services, processes or programs. However if you have learned Transcendental Meditation you are welcome to speak to Caroline about joining her regular Group Meditations.

  • The form of meditation that Thom Knoles* taught for over 25 years with the TM organisations as “Transcendental Meditation,” has been the subject of hundreds of scientific studies showing a wide range of benefits from regular practice. These studies, which refer to this form of meditation using the name “Transcendental Meditation” or “TM”, support the benefits obtainable from regular practice of Vedic Meditation. 

    These benefits include:

    Reduced stress and anxiety
    Decreased depression
    Increased levels of energy
    Increased longevity
    Reduced insomnia
    Improved relationships with other people
    Improved, memory, concentration and learning ability
    Improved academics
    Improved school behaviour
    Reduced cardiovascular risk factors
    Reduced tumours
    Reduced atherosclerosis/stroke
    Decreased free radicals
    Reduced metabolic syndrome/pre-diabetes
    Relief from migraines, headaches and asthma
    Normalisation of blood pressure
    Reduced cholesterol levels
    Normalisation of weight
    Increased self esteem
    Faster reaction times
    Improved sports performance
    Reduced use of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs

     * Thom Knoles trained Caroline to teach meditation as Thom was trained to teach meditation by Maharishi.