Private Mentoring

be witnessed and guided as you move through a period of change, a life transition or transcend a pattern or habit you’re ready to let go of.

Private mentoring sessions are an opportunity to be seen and guided as you move through a life transition, a challenging time, a period of growth, change or feeling stuck. All sessions have a somatic component, using the body and breath intuitively to support you to feel more present and grounded. .

Private mentoring with Caroline offers a fresh perspective or different approach to whatever is feeling limiting, unfulfilling or restrictive in your life. Caroline’s work with mentoring clients is informed by intuitive guidance, Vedic wisdom and her university qualifications in Psychology and Psychotherapy. Where your experience falls outside of Caroline’s scope of work as a mentor, Caroline will help you find the appropriate level of support.

Common themes Caroline supports her clients with include (and are not limited to):

✓ Job or career changes
✓ Support to heal from chronic anxiety and over-thinking
✓ Challenges around worthiness or a harsh inner critic
✓ Learn the foundations of nervous system healing and practical steps to widen your window of tolerance for stress
✓ Gain a deeper appreciation of who you are, what makes you unique and what you enjoy
✓ Support re-wiring challenging, habitual ways of thinking
✓ Feeling “stuck” in a particular area of your life and unsure how to move forward
✓ Moving through change with more ease and adaptability
✓ Enhancing personal or professional relationships

Sometimes, all it takes is a single session to gain clarity or an understanding of what’s needed to improve your current situation.

Investment: AUD$209 for a 60-90 minute session*

*Multiple session discounts are available.

  • "Thank you for changing my life for the better, Caroline. The gift you've given me through Vedic meditation and knowledge has had an incredibly profound impact on me in such a short time. You are such a light! I look forward to continuing to learn from you."


  • "From day 1 meeting Caroline, I was overcome with a sense of peace and comfort. I learnt so much about myself, my mind, body and soul and now have resources and tools to help me through life’s daily challenges!"


  • "To meet Caroline is to know you are in the company of a rare and special person. She is present, warm, and gentle. Each person she interacts with feels deeply seen and worthy of her time and attention. I’m now more in touch with my intuition and able to step away from my anxiety"