The truth about happiness

Life finds its purpose and fulfillment in the expansion of happiness.
— Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

I spent most of my life doing what my subconscious beliefs programmed me to - to search for happiness outside of myself. ⁣

I searched in partying, relationships, material possessions, job titles, achievement, physical appearance, money. ⁣

With the benefit of experience, I can promise you that happiness isn’t found in any of those places. ⁣

You probably don’t need me to tell you that, because you’ve likely searched for happiness in some of those places, too. ⁣

While accomplishments, relationships, possessions might bring fleeting happiness, it’s just that - fleeting. ⁣

So, what is lasting happiness & how do we find it?⁣

It’s an inner state of being. ⁣

It’s a state of alignment between our beliefs, our thoughts, our feelings, our choice and our actions. 

Feeling happy & content are feelings that rise from within. ⁣

Happiness is a layer of our own selves that we awaken & enliven through practices like meditation, breathwork, inner child healing and getting in our bodies to feel, process and release stuck emotion. 

When we re-wire our beliefs on what happiness actually is AND learn how to experience it from within, happiness is no longer elusive. ⁣

Today, I have access to the most stable sense of peace & happiness I’ve ever had. ⁣

AND I have less of what societal programming says will bring happiness than I have in a long time. ⁣

I’m 10000% happier than when I had the ring, the marriage, the house, the job title, the bank balance. (So how can they be the things that bring happiness? They’re not.)

Because I have peace and happiness inside myself. ⁣

Because my beliefs, my choices & my actions are in alignment with the truth about happiness. ⁣

I’ve done (& continue to do) the shadow work, I’ve felt and released past emotion and pain, I’ve uncovered the sneaky beliefs that lead to me seeking happiness outside of myself. ⁣

I’ve reminded myself over & over through meditation, movement, breath, dance, signing, chanting mantra, conversation, connection, nature - of the truth about happiness.⁣

That happiness is an inside job. ⁣

Try as we may, the job, the relationship, the bank balance, the house or the possessions will not bring happiness. ⁣

This doesn’t mean that we don’t have jobs, relationships, goals, achievements or money. It means that the way we approach them is fundamentally different. They become an outlet for our happiness, somewhere to express & share our fulfillment, but not a place to derive happiness or fulfillment from. 

If you’re curious to dive into all that limits your access to happiness, get in touch & I’ll share how we can work together. ⁣

Love, ⁣
Caroline x


Re-claiming our joy


An experience of death, grief & re-birth