Re-claiming our joy
Every week, I speak with people interested in learning to meditate due to struggles with low mood & a lack of joy in their life. Low mood, lack of joy, lack of capacity to be present with our loved ones, lack of ability to truly receive and experience our lives is so very common.
Low mood was one of my motivating factors for learning meditation, too. Before learning (& for some time afterwards until I did deep healing work) I experienced regular bouts of depression.
My mood would plummet, accompanied by massive headaches that would have me bedridden, sometimes for several days. I had no idea how to get out of a spiral & lived in fear of when the next one would come.
After a particularly bad spiral in 2018 while living in London, my GP prescribed anti-depressants. I said yes, intuitively sensing they weren’t the solution but also at a loss for what else to do & desperate for some relief. (They didn’t help me so I stopped taking them after a few months).
Fast forward to today, having done many years of meditation & deep healing work, there’s something I know deep in my bones about low mood and joy.
They are two sides of the same coin.
The extent to which we face our shadows, our trauma & our emotional pain is the extent to which we’ll have access to unbridled joy.
On the flip side, the extent to which we suppress or repress uncomfortable experiences & emotions is the extent to which we’ll feel disconnected from spontaneous happiness & joy.
When I started my journey with Vedic meditation in 2017, I was terrified of what might come up for me in meditation.
Now, I embrace every flavour of emotion that comes up - 1) because I learned how to & 2) because doing so creates space for more joy in the every day moments of my life.
Joy is something I have access to every day.
If it’s absent, I don’t worry or pathologize my mood AND I know what feeling off or low is communicating with me & how to transmute it.
Being in stillness each day, transcending the superficial layers of thought & diving into deeper, subconscious layers of the mind, reveals things to us about ourselves.
We learn so much about ourselves in stillness.
We create the time, space & safety for emotion to be felt & released from the body.
I have and continue to face my shadow, my subconscious beliefs & buried emotion, because I KNOW how much joy exists on the other side.
If low mood and a lack of joy is something you’re ready to leave behind - come & work with me. I have so much wisdom to share about moving from low, flat mood to spontaneous happiness & joy. Drop me a message or check out my Learn Vedic Meditation Course or Private Mentoring offering.
Caroline x